Transition Type
Animate in: the pieces of your image will start at a Z point in space that you choose and will end at 0.
Animate Out: the pieces will start at position Z 0 and will end at a Z point in space that you choose.
Random: Pieces will animate in random order. When this option is chosen an additional field "Transition Min" appears in the interface; the script will make the transition lenght a random value between Transition Min and Transition Length
Directional:Pieces will animate in order. When this option is chosen two additional fields Delay Across and Delay Down appear
Fragment Size X and Y
The size of the pieces that the image will break into. If you choose very small pieces it can take a long time to build. Use caution
How many pixels of space between pieces. 0 leaves no gap, a higher number will cause space between the individual pieces
Target ZZ position where the pieces will either start or finish (depending on whether you are animating out or animating in)
Rotation XYZRotation XYZ where the pieces will either start or finish (depending on whether you are animating out or animating in)
Start FrameWhich frame in your comp to start the animation. If your order is Random, this is the earliest frame a piece will start animating.
Start VariationOnly visible if your order is Random. All pieces will start animating at a random frame between 'Start Frame' and 'Start Frame' + 'Start Variation'. For example, if 'Start Frame' is 10 and 'Start Variation' is 5, every piece in your matrix will begin animating at a random frame between 10 and 15
Transition LengthThe amount of time it takes for an individual piece to go from 0 to target Z (or vice versa depending on whether you are animating out or in) . If your order is Random, this is longest possible time for an individual piece to animate, and Transition minimum is the shortest.
Transition MinOnly visible if your order is Random. this is the shortest possible time for an individual piece to animate, and Transition Length is the longest.
Delay AcrossOnly visible if your order is Directional. On each row, the pieces start their animation one after the other, this is how many frames before the next one in a row starts.
Delay DownOnly visible if your order is Directional. On each column, the pieces start their animation one after the other, this is how many frames before the next one in a column starts.
FadeIf checked, when a piece animates it will either fade out or fade in (Depending on animation type)
Ease KeyframeMakes the transition smoother by easing the keyframes
Motion Blurenables motion blur for all layers